Declaration / Register of Business Interests
Record of Attendance
Meet the Governors
Minutes of meetings available on request
Committee Membership & Link Governors
New Parent Governor April 2024
The role of the governing body is a strategic one, its key functions are to:
- Set the aims and objectives for the school.
- Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives.
- Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives.
- Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives.
- Be a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher ( a critical friend)
Much of governors’ work is done through committees. We have three committees:
- Finance, Premises & Personnel
- Quality of Education
- Children, Families & Community
There are four categories of governor:
- Parent Governors are elected by the school parent population. Parents (including carers) of registered pupils at the school are eligible to stand for election as Parent Governors.
- School Governors are elected from all people who work at the school. The Headteacher is automatic and any other staff member is by staff vote.
- Local Authority Governors are nominated by the Local Authority but are appointed by the Governing Body.
- Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body and are individuals who have been identified to have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance of the school
- Associate Governors or Associate Members are current staff but this position can also be held by those with specialist knowledge or experience deemed by the Governing Body to be needed generally or in respect of specific projects. They are nominated and approved by the Governing Body but their term of office can vary and they do not have full voting rights.
All Governors are appointed according to the skills required within the Governing Body and their term of office is normally four years (apart from Associate Governors which can be a shorter period of time).
Rachel Seivright Nye - Headteacher
Jamie Grant - Chair of Governors / Co-opted Governor
Mushtaq Shah - Vice-Chair of Governors / Co-opted Governor
Louise Harrison - Staff Governor
Stephan John - Co-opted Governor
Sammy Gallup - Co-opted Governor
Jo Garvey - Co-opted Governor
Sarah Knight - Co-opted Governor
Clare Montgomery - Parent Governor
John Morrison - Co-opted Governor
Lucinda Quigley - Parent Governor
Javed Rafiq- Co-opted Governor
Shelley Robinson - Co-opted Governor
Eliza Walsh - Co-opted Governor
Harriet Dodson (Deputy Headteacher) - Associate Member
Rachel Jennings (Deputy Headteacher) - Associate Member
Linda Jackson - (Children and Families Coordinator) - Associate Member
Mrs Caroline Brooker - Clerk
Please view or download our Code of Conduct for Governors
To contact any of our Governors please phone the School Office on
020 8399 4231 / 020 8399 4472 and ask to speak to the Clerk or email